Thursday, September 19, 2013

Change? We do not seem to be capable.

Recent events have now finalised Robert Sirleaf´s chairmanship at the National Oil Company. Without detailed knowledge and the normal jealous rants based on wild assumptions by every member of our society, be it at home or abroad. With us, we are so ignorant that people voicing private suspicions of others tend to steer our lives. You can see it wherever you go, be it in the Hentay shops or on the beaches. It is so important to some people that sometimes there is no wonder we will never prosper. They spend all their energy expelling loads of hot air when they instead could have been prosperous members of society, running their own businesses. Here is my message to you: Stop projecting your own secret feelings on other people. All you are doing is showing us what you would have done in a similar position. That is probably the reason the likes of you will remain over there, dwelling in hatred and envy. You are all angry at him because he didn´t do what you would have done. That makes him better than you and we can´t have that. No. We have to make sure that those few with genuine integrity come down to our own level of wickedness and greediness. Well, we are all Liberians, and the above described feelings are widespead amongst us. So, purely statically a lot of appointees and other civil servants will harbour these thoughts. And even continue to cross the line of corruption.

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