Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let democracy prevail

It is still quite hard to stomach. Even today, Mr. Weah still claims that he was cheated during the last elections. How he ever came to this conclusion, I guess we will never know. But his hard-headed attitude over this is what gives me the creeps.

It seems that no matter what happens, we love to put out false accusations, and the rest of us love to nurture them as truths. You see this in our society time after time.

Please be careful out there, and may the most popular person take home the elections, so that we can continue to rebuild our once so great nation.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Get on with it

Right. The referendum is over. Lets look at it with hindsight and move on. Lets call it a dress rehersal.

The results are in and they will surely be debated from now until our day of reconning. That is what we are good at, talking, debating, wheeling and dealing.

Looking back at the results, one thing surely stands out; the number of invalid votes. Seriously, the number of invalid votes is near or around 10% in most cases, and this worries me. What went wrong? Who is to blame for this? How can this be avoided in the future?