Monday, August 01, 2011

Ignorance itself is also a virtue

West Africa has always been an ambiguous place. You have people who are ranting Christians but still believe in and fear tribal spirits. People who see the wonders of modern medicine but still believe that sickness is spread by witchcraft.

Then you have people who have college degrees, sometimes more than one, but are still ignorant.

In recent statements by a vicepresidential contender that he is certain of obtaining at least 2 million votes. Anything under that will mean that he is being cheated.

Yeah right.

One of the virtues of ignorance is that it usually shows in a person, but the person is unaware of the fact. Oblivious actually.

How can you in your right mind get up and make such a statement, when the number of registered voters in Liberia does not exceed 1.7 million?

The only answer is complete ignorance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ay man, how you can act so? Da na way to talk so oh.