Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I have given up all hope

A few weeks ago, I visited our sandbox otherwise known as our legislature. Just having been renovated, the place looked sharp, outside and inside. It is a pity though that the majesty of the building does not reflect its inhabitants.

If it is not one thing, it is the other. Bla, bla, bla. Is this democracy at work? Then I am not sure that it is democracy that we need.

It just goes on and on;

•Fighting between the houses that each has to have its own generator
•Failure to provide funding for fuel
•Corruption charges left and right
•Commitees making faulty reports
•Squabble over spending on buses
•Fraudulous contempt charges against challangers
•Tug of wars over furniture

If you ask me, it is time to do away with this nonsense. Put your selfish ways to one side for once and put your heads together so that we finally can move forward. FOR GOODNESS SAKE. At least, start making some policies/laws for your country.

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