Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Money finish oh!

Print more money! You know what? You do not even have to print it. Just take a piece of paper and write your own amount. That will be the new money. Do not play with economics, because it will mess with you. Right away.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Beware of hyperinflation anno 2020

The two CDC executive members on social media pledged their respective supports to fulfilling the request of President George M. Weah for Legislative approval of the printing of L$35 billion, with Rep. Gray arguing that the printing of money is intended to pay civil servants. In agreement with Rep. Gray, Rep. Koffa also noted that the printing of new currency is inevitable. “I support the printing of money for payment of salaries as a short term measure. (Daily Observer 18th November 2019) Ladies and Gentlemen. Our elected representatives are lobbying their collegues to print new money to pay civil servants!!!!!!!!!!!! If this does not worry you then you should take the time to study similar cases throughout history. German Weimar Republic in the 1920s Zimbabwe inte late 1990s to 2015 Venezuela 2012 to present day.