Friday, February 05, 2021

Eh lord, your come for me oh!

You just know that a country is going backwards when Polio starts to raise its ugly head. This is stuff that was eradicated many decades ago. We will stay inside.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

This pandemic thing

Our leaders still refuse to upgrade our health system. When you go look, this one going for treatment in Ghana. This other one going to Dubai for treatment. They not shame self? Enh? What kind of a message do you send to your citizens when these things happen? Even more of the "Animal Farm" vibes. All the pigs eating dinner at the farmer´s dining room table while all the other farm animals look on through the windows.

Friday, July 31, 2020

"Some animals are more equal than others"

During the years I have often reverted to this novel by George Orwell, Animal Farm. For those of you who have never read it, I can summerize it as follows: The animals on a farm oust its "owners" the farmer and his family and take over the day to day running of the farm. Very soon, the revolution is hijacked by the pigs on the farm that start to oppress all the other animals. Not long after, the pigs start dressing up in the farmers clothes, eating his food and drinking his wine behind locked doors. The other animals peek in at the windows at their nightly feast. This describes the events in our country once again.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Anybody can start a political party...

... but that does not mean that it is a good thing. Now, in our beautiful country, it seems that as soon as some people learn to write their names on a piece of paper that they qualify to become politicians. And do not give them small government job because then you nah spoil it. When you go look, they will force their crowd of boys to join their new party. Before you go look, some obscure, never heard of group will step forward and endorse them. That is when the infighting starts for who is who in the party. Egos get stepped on. All this, and no one has yet proclaimed a political doctrine, not to mention registered the party with the National Elections Commission. The common denominator here is the blown up egos, crowd of boys, no political doctrine other than opposition. So after a while you have the same amount of political parties as you have egocentric maniacs. The next step is these weird coalitions with just as strange acronyms. When you go look again, the infighting starts again over the different posts in the coalition. You all see the pattern here right.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Money finish oh!

Print more money! You know what? You do not even have to print it. Just take a piece of paper and write your own amount. That will be the new money. Do not play with economics, because it will mess with you. Right away.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Beware of hyperinflation anno 2020

The two CDC executive members on social media pledged their respective supports to fulfilling the request of President George M. Weah for Legislative approval of the printing of L$35 billion, with Rep. Gray arguing that the printing of money is intended to pay civil servants. In agreement with Rep. Gray, Rep. Koffa also noted that the printing of new currency is inevitable. “I support the printing of money for payment of salaries as a short term measure. (Daily Observer 18th November 2019) Ladies and Gentlemen. Our elected representatives are lobbying their collegues to print new money to pay civil servants!!!!!!!!!!!! If this does not worry you then you should take the time to study similar cases throughout history. German Weimar Republic in the 1920s Zimbabwe inte late 1990s to 2015 Venezuela 2012 to present day.